Overwatch 2 Roadhog update patch notes for major new rework

Overwatch 2 developer Blizzard is about to release a big new update, which makes multiple changes to Tank character Roadhog. The new Overwatch 2 update makes Roadhog more appealing to players, following a decline in popularity in recent years and updates. As you can see from the patch notes further down the page, the headline new feature is the addition of a brand new ability for Roadhog.

According to the patch notes and gameplay video, Roadhog’s brand new ability is called Pig Pen.

The Pig Pen ability sees Roadhog launch a trap that both damages enemies for 60, and slows them down by 40%.

Roadhog’s Scrap Gun, meanwhile, will fire four big projectiles surrounded by shrapnel pellets that do increased damage.

Finally, Roadhog’s Take a Breather ability is now resource based, taking 12 seconds to fully fill.

The Take a Breather ability will heal 450 HP when fully charged, while damage reduction is reduced from 50% to 30%.

You can check out the Overwatch 2 patch notes below…

Overwatch 2 Roadhog update patch notes…


• Pig Pen

– Roadhog launches a trap that when triggered will damage enemies for 60 initial damage on trigger and 30 damage over 3 seconds

– Pig Pen also reduces movement speed by 40%

– 12 second cooldown for Pig Pen

Other changes

• All fire scatter shot is removed

 – Scrap gun will fire fewer pellets with four large projectiles in the middle of the shot

 – Projectiles will do 15 damage

 – Pellets increased to 6.25 damage

• Take a Breather healing ability is resourced based with a new resource meter

 – Cooldown reduced from 8 to 1 second and amount healed depends on the charge

 – Heals 450 health over 3 seconds

 – Damage reduction during Take a Breather reduced from 50% to 30%

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