A Simple Guide to NetDocuments Alternatives for Business – Oceanup.com

NetDocuments is a platform that manages documents and allows you to access your documents on any device. It is a centralized repository to store or share documents with others, team members, and clients. The software is recommended for remote and paperless practice.

NetDocuments Alternatives

If you’re considering NetDocuments alternatives, there are many factors to influence your purchasing decision, as each software provides different solutions. Here are some NetDocuments alternatives to consider.

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 is an all-inclusive service platform with great features and functions that make an individual’s daily work easy and efficient. You can create files in Excel sheets or a presentation from Office 365, as the platform has fantastic customization features. Besides, a user can modify and save files according to user preferences, and 3D effects or animation can also be added.


The software is continuously proactive through innovations, taking note of user-based observations and applying case scenarios to boost productivity. It’s open-source software as long as your support contract is current. There are two versions available;

  • Amazon AWS Cloud SaaS version
  • The traditional on-premises version (mostly a hybrid of the two).


Box enables the complete storage of essential business files by organizing them in different categories that facilitate fast access. The software has a simple but potent interface that functions effectively for those who want to attain general storage goals. It’s an on-the-go tool meaning you can access your files from anywhere.


M-Files is a cloud-based tool with excellent security features. The software is not only efficient when dealing with soft files, but it also releases s information from hard files. It has a high scanning speed for batches and automatic classifying of files. It’s an excellent information organization tool that will always find where the right content is, regardless of file systems and locations, helping improve how files are stored.


DocuWare is a fantastic document management system that effectively automates business processes to reduce human error. It has a user-friendly interface, and you can personalize it to suit your needs in any business. It provides cost-effective solutions with limitless scalability.

The Importance of NetDocuments

Businesses that deal with a lot of paperwork will find NetDocuments beneficial, like law firms since they provide unlimited access to documents from anywhere. Here are the major benefits of NetDocuments to your business.

Find Documents Fast

It takes several minutes for each employee to find files, translating to a loss of hours in a day. However, when you incorporate a document management system, time loss is abolished or reduced significantly, increasing productivity. The software has document templates that help prevent repetitive tasks such as formatting or locating previous file copies effortlessly.

Access Everything on the Go

You can easily access files from a document management platform from different devices. See various versions of the same document, sort, evaluate user permissions, and organize files to work smoothly and efficiently.

Manage Permissions and File Access

Document management systems allow for a steady flow of information within a team and collaborators. Information is secure since you decide who can view, edit, or access a file.


A document management system allows an organization to integrate files, emails, and data in sync, enabling a team to access them quickly. No time is wasted searching for documents or performing repetitive tasks, hence time-saving and more productivity.

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